INTERORIENT has been active in Filipino Crew Manning Services since 1985.
INTERORIENT is an "Independent" Manning Agency, in the employment of Filipino seamen.
Our Agency is currently managing the crewing of more than (230) vessels, of all types and sizes (Bulkers, Tankers, Containers, Cargos, LPG's), while approximately (120) vessels are under full Filipino cre, including Masters and chief Engineers.
Our Agency have approximately 4,600 seamen serving on board these vessels and a pool of more than 5,100 qualified, trained and fully certificated seamen are on vacation ready for employment.
Our Seamen, currently serving on board, the ships serve are of more than 92% ex- Interorinet cre, almost the highest percentage in the manning market. That high percentage of seamen rejoining the same pool (our pool) can only be taken as a warranty for:Crew Loyalty, Quality, Efficiency and Dedication.
In our seamen pool we have seamen serving with us for many decades. Many of them have started their carrer with us, apprentices, and now are high ranking Officers or Masters and chief Engineers.
INTERORIENT, is continously developing its services in order to meet with its Principal's needs and same time to comply with the requirement of P.O.E.A of I.M.O and meet I.S.O 9001-2015 Standards, Compliance tp part 1.4 of the MARITIME LABOUR CONVENTION, 2006 and of its principals requirements.
In the premises of Interorient - Manila, it has been organised and operating a "In-House Seamen's Training and Competence Defining System", Furthermore, professional , "Pre-departure Orientation Seminar" is conducted, in accordance with I.S.M Code and S.T.C.W requirements and in compliance with each Principal's Management Quality and Safety Policy Manuals.